Eat Stop Eat Review

Eat Stop Eat Review

Eat Stop Eat Review - Brad Pilon has created an ebook detailing the various aspects of the Eat Stop Eat diet including the concepts and ideas behind the diet, the various benefits, the rules and the workouts to be followed. The book is a culmination of Brad’s graduate research in applied nutrition combined with his considerable prior experience in the diet supplement industry. In the book, Brad provides practical advice and simple instructions that allow the diet to be tailored according to individual needs. The rules of the diet and the logic behind them are explained and the recommended resistance training workouts are also outlined in detail in the book.

Eat Stop Eat Review The book is written in simple language and barely 175 pages long, making it easy to read it in a single sitting. The science behind each and every concept is explained along with research evidence, yet the book is free from tedious scientific jargon. Brad has also tackled several questions related to the diet and weight loss at the end of the book. Apart from this book, Brad has created several workout programs for weight loss and muscle gain and also authored another book called ““How Much Protein”. Brad’s book on the Eat Stop Eat diet has rapidly gained immense popularity as a trustworthy diet resource.

So how does this program work? According to any reliable Eat Stop Eat Review, when you download the Eat Stop Eat PDF you are getting an in-depth guide that is 175 pages long and it details exactly how you can lose weight without having to starve yet without having to stuff weird food down your way either. Basically you have to fast and then combine it with weight training to get the best results.

When people hear of fasting they immediately fear the rest of the details however Eat Stop Eat is not the usual fasting program. To make sure your metabolism does not drop (as a matter of fact, it might even improve) you are only going to fast 1-2 days per week. The rest of the week you will eat a regular diet. This has been scientifically proven to not only allow the body to burn excess fat as a means to keep going but it also allows the digestive system to rest and your body to detoxify itself.

This fasting period allows you to lose weight and your body to burn fats without you hitting a starvation strike. This also means your metabolism does not drop and you do not lose muscle mass. This is referred to as intermittent fasting. You don’t have to count calories or any of that fake dietary formulas that are often tossed around because the 24 hour fasting period is all you need to create a sustainable calorie deficit for the whole week. You are basically fasting for one day and still get six days of freedom.
Of course it isn’t all about fasting. You also need to work on some weight training programs. The secret of Eat Stop Eat is that it focuses on when to fast and what kind of weight training for the each circumstance. There are different exercises before and after you eat, when you wake up, before you fast, and after you fast.